15 July 2021

Disclosure of A.G.M.’s decision for the purchase of own shares

Industrial area of Sindos – Thessaloniki, July 15th, 2021

Subject: Disclosure of A.G.M.’s decision for the purchase of own shares

“ELGEKA S.A.” announces that the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of July 15th, 2021, approved a program for the purchase of own shares of the Company in accordance with article 49 of L.4548/2018, as in force, and authorized the Board of Directors for any relevant action related to the procedural issues of the program. In particular, the General Meeting approved the purchase – through the Athens Stock Exchange, for the purposes and uses permitted by law, up to ten percent (10%) of the Company’s paid-up share capital, with a maximum purchase price of own shares the amount of two euro (€ 2,00) per share and a minimum purchase price the amount of twenty-four cents of euro (€ 0,24) per share, during the period from 16.07.2021 to 15.07.2023, , i.e. within the period of twenty four (24) months prescribed by law.

The disclosure is issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 16th, 2014, and delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of the Commission of March 8th, 2016.

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