Industrial area of Sindos – Thessaloniki, July 26th, 2019
Announcement regarding the signing of contracts for the issuance of common bond loans of the Parent Company “ELGEKA S.A.” and its subsidiary company “DIAKINISIS S.A. Warehousing – Transport – Packaging”
“ELGEKA S.A.” announces, according to article 17 par. 1 of the Regulation (ΕU) 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16th April 2014 and under article 2, par. 2 item (ig) of the 3/347/12.7.2005 Decision of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, that on 25.07.2019 was signed a framework agreement for the issuance of a secured common bond loan up to the amount of Euro thirty eight million and fifty thousand (€38,050,000) with “ALPHA BANK S.A.”. The loan has five years maturity, being issued according to L.4548/2018 and L.3156/2003, as they apply, and will be directed to the refinancing of already existing loan obligations of “ELGEKA S.A.”. The loan will be immediately disbursed.
Also, the same date was signed by the subsidiary company “DIAKINISIS S.A. Warehousing – Transport – Packaging” contract for the issuance of a secured common bond loan up to the amount of Euro eleven million six hundred fifty thousand (€11,650,000) with “ALPHA BANK S.A.”, under the guarantee of the parent company “ELGEKA S.A.”, in accordance with article 99 par. 3 item (st) of L. 4548/2018, to secure claims of the bondholders against “DIAKINISIS S.A.” as a Publisher. The loan has five years maturity, being issued under the provisions of L. 4548/2018 and L. 3156/2003, as they apply, and will be directed to the refinancing of existing loan obligations of “DIAKINISIS S.A.”.
The aforementioned bond loans will cover as original Bondholders the “ALPHA BANK S.A.”, “NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE S.A.”, “EUROBANK ERGASIAS S.A.” and “PIRAEUS BANK S.A.”, pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the respective Common Bonds Issuance Programs after the cover and primary distribution contracts and the appointment of the Paying Agent and the Bondholder Representative, prepared with the organizing bank “ALPHA BANK S.A.”.