29 July 2021

Announcement of Regulated Information of L.3556/2007: Disclosure of a significant change in shareholder percentage at the level of voting rights.

Industrial area of Sindos – Thessaloniki, July 29th, 2021

Subject: Announcement of Regulated Information of L.3556/2007: Disclosure of a significant change in shareholder percentage at the level of voting rights.

The company “ELGEKA S.A.”, (hereinafter the “Company”) announces to the investing public, in accordance with article 9 par.1 and 4 of L.3556/2007, following relevant information received from liable person Mr. Alexandros Katsiotis, and following the successful completion of its share capital increase by the amount of 10.853.209,26 Euro and in particular of its nominal Share Capital by the amount of 6.854.658,48 Euro and its share premium by the amount of 3.998.550,78 Euro with cash payment, with the issuance of 28.561.077 new common registered shares of nominal value 0,24 Euro and issue price 0,38 Euro each with a pre-emptive right in favor of existing shareholders as it was decided by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Company’s Shareholders on 11.12.2020 in combination with the decision of the Company’s Board of Directors of 23.06.2021 (the “Increase”), that on 27.07.2021, date of credit of the New Shares in the securities account of the beneficiary shareholder:

Mr. Alexandros Katsiotis, Chairman of Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Executive Director of the B.o.D., acquired through the exercise of pre-emptive and pre-subscription rights, totally, 11.901.772 new common registered shares, thus increasing the total number of shares he directly holds to 22.257.795 from 10.356.023 common registered shares held before the above Increase. As a result, its percentage share in the share capital and voting rights of the Company increased by 4,28% and now amounts to 36,91% (the previous percentage share was 32,63%).

Therefore, on the above credit date of the New Shares, his shareholding in the share capital and voting rights of the Company exceeded the limit of 1/3 of the total number of voting shares and in addition there was a change in the percentages of voting rights holding more than 3% of the Company’s total voting rights.

Member of ELGEKA Group
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