14 December 2017

New composition of Company’s Audit Committee

Thessaloniki, December 14th, 2017


New composition of Company’s Audit Committee

“ELGEKA S.A.” announces, according to the Athens Stock Exchange Regulation, article 6 par. 1 of L.3340/2005 and article 2 par. e of decision 3/347/12.7.2005 of Capital Market Commission as well as of L.3016/2002 on Corporate Governance, that the Company’s Board of Directors at its meeting today on 14/12/2017, within the context of the provisions of article 7 of L.3016/2002 on Corporate Governance and of article 44 of L.4449/2017 regarding the establishment and operation of the Audit Committee, elected as new member of the Company’s Audit Committee Mr. Nikolaos Milios, son of George to replace the withdrawn member from the aforementioned Committee, Mr Adamantios Lentsios, son of Athanasios, who is going to undertake new expanded tasks to the Group within the forthcoming period. The term of office of Mr. Nikolaos Milios, as well as other members of the specific Committee, will expire on 07/05/2018, which may be extended until the next Ordinary General Meeting that will take place after that date. The election of this new member of the Audit Committee is temporary and should be approved by the first General Meeting of the Company that will take place after the election.

The election of Mr. Nikolaos Milios as a new member of the Company’s Audit Committee to replace the withdrawn member, Mr. Adamantios Lentsios, was made following the recommendation of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee to the Company’s Board of Directors and after being rechecked and confirmed that fulfill all the criteria of article 44 of L.4449/2017 regarding both the independence of the members of the Audit Committee according to L.3016/2002 (article 4) and the Greek Corporate Governance Code (A2, par.2.4-2.5) and the sufficient knowledge of them in the field in which our Company operates, as well as their abilities (in accordance with their curriculum vitae) relating to the specialized knowledge of accounting and auditing that they must at least possess in order to effectively exercise their increased responsibilities and obligations.

As a consequence, the new Company’s Audit Committee will be composed of the following Non-Executive Members with the following properties:

Stilianos Stefanou, son of Markos – (Chairman) Independent Non – Executive Member
Nikolaos Milios, son of George – (Member) Independent Non – Executive Member
Michael Fandridis, son of Emmanouil – (Member) Non – Executive Member
As Chairman of the Audit Committee remains Mr. Stilianos Stefanou, who meets all the conditions required, in accordance with the new provisions of article 44 of L.4449/24.01.2017 (Government Gazette A ‘7).

Ministry of Economy & Development– General Secretariat for Commerce & Consumer Protection

Directorate of Societe Anonyme Companies & G.E.MI. – G.E.MI. Νο: 57298604000

Member of ELGEKA Group
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