Industrial Area of Sindos – Thessaloniki, December 5th, 2017
Announcement of Regulated Information according to L.3556/2007: Notification of change in shareholders’ percentage in respect of voting rights according to L.3556/2007
The company “ELGEKA S.A.” announces, in accordance with L.3556/2007 and L.3340/2005, in combination with article 11 of decision 1/434/03.07.2007 and the circular number 33 of Hellenic Capital Market Commission, and in accordance to article 19 of Regulation under number 596/2014 of European Parliament and Council, that on Monday, 04/12/2017, following the relevant disclosures received by our Company from the following liable person, Ms. Ellie Drakopoulou wife of Nikolaos, Vice President and non-executive member of the Board of Directors of the Company, proceeded to the transfer (parental grant) of the bare ownership of 3.173.453 common registered shares (i.e. 10,00% of the total share capital and corresponding voting rights) of the Company, to her daughter Ms. Aikaterini Drakopoulou of Nikolaos, retaining the usufruct thereof, while the authority to exercise the voting rights and the preemptive rights arising from these shares will be exercised in the future from her daughter.
As a consequence of the above transaction, Ms. Ellie Drakopoulou holds from now on the full ownership and the exercise of voting rights of 4.148.820 common registered shares (i.e. 13,074% from 23,074% of the shares held that corresponded to 7.322.273 shares), while at the same time will continue to have the right of usufruct over 3.173.453 transferred – as to the bare ownership – shares.
As a result, the percentage of the shares and voting rights held by Ms. Elli Drakopoulou falls below the determined regarding the notification of obligation limit of 15% and the percentage of the shares and voting rights held by Ms. Aikaterini Drakopoulou reaches the determined regarding the notification of obligation limit of 10% on the total (31.734.530) shares and voting rights of the Company’s Shareholders.
Ministry of Economy & Development– General Secretariat for Commerce & Consumer Protection
Directorate of Societe Anonyme Companies & G.E.MI. – G.E.MI. Νο: 57298604000